I think somehow, along the path of life, we get this idea that some people have the ability to do certain things and we just will never do it too. It becomes a belief.

Usually these things have to do with physical attributes, like a beauty who is 6’ tall and lithe and gets the modeling contract, or the natural athlete, or the gorgeous person who has a crazy incredible singing talent. And we translate that limiting belief into everything.

While those that are gifted physically do have an advantage over those who are not (for the realms they are competing in) , the rest of the examples our ego would like us to believe, are simply not true.

Just because someone seems to be good at just about anything doesn’t mean that WE can’t be good at it too.

I admired this entrepreneur for his boundless energy and incredible optimism. I thought “wow I wish I had been born with that.”

Then I learned that he not only WASn’t born like that but he  had to work at it daily. It was a daily habit for him to practice certain things to make sure he was achieving what he wanted everyday.

He valued his days, knowing they are limited for all of us. He had hope and goals. And he figured out how he needed to show up to make it happen.

I don’t know about you but this brings me SO much hope! If all I have to do is practice, I can do all this great shit in life? I’M IN!

What can it take for you to do so much more of the things you want to do? What do you need to change? It’s not too hard to figure it out and get started.

There is a TON of info out there about how to change your habits and make new ones. 

I want to start with something I never seem to hear thought leaders talk about.

So, dear One, how do you want to FEEL?

Do you even know?

I didn’t.

But THAT my friend is the fucking key to everything. It’s trying to steer your ship across the vast oceans of the world without a fucking compass.

Let’s fix that PRONTO.

Everyone has Core Desired Feelings, whether they acknowledge and identify them or not.

If you are as cut off from your desire as I was when I started this work, you may need to start with the opposite.

You must know how you DON’T want to feel.






And on and on… 

So now think about how you could want to feel. You might need to go back to the first email and lean into some uncomfortable stuff that comes up. That’s ok. Let it move through you as we talked about. Accept, Breathe, Allow, Receive.

Then take some notes- what is showing up? If you DARED to feel amazing, what would those feelings be? I have a list on my blog here for reference to get you started.


Why is knowing how you want to feel so important? Because that, my dear, is how your Force is letting you know that’s your path, your purpose, what you are supposed to be doing with yourself.

You are given that ZING towards something because its where you are supposed to steer your ship.

It shows up in big ways like a career that just gets you so excited you’d do it for free, or a place you want totracel so bad you get tears in your eyes. THAT feeling. I call it ‘being thrilled’. 

Thrilling is scary/ fun/ exciting all in the same breath. It’s bigger than you think you can go. THAT’s what you want to feel.

There are other feelings too… like safe and loved and successful…but you need to find better words than that.

Those are pedestrian and I’m sure they don’t thrill you. But if you were thinking of a person you just can’t believe you are in a relationship with, and they love you as much as you love them, you get the idea.

Or having a business that’s thriving in every way, that has a culture of creativity, giving back, and FUN. Where the folks who collaborate with you love working with you and seeing your ideas flourish.

If you know how you want to feel, you can follow the guidance of the universe, because that’s how it guides you. How it catches your attention.

You are not supposed to be a martyr. You are supposed to step in to being the most powerful, loving, compassionate, insightful, excited YOU. 

We need you to show up fully, as best you can.

I’m here to guide the way.

Photo by Bobby Burch on Unsplash

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